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An economical laundry powder.

Fabriclean Auto

  • Fabriclean Auto may be used successfully in both hot and cold facilities but to obtain optimum results, in general applications the product should not be used at temperatures above 60ºC, according to the laundry classification. LIGHT AND MEDIUM SOILS: Fabriclean Auto is added directly to the wash-wheel in a concentration of 10 to 12.5 grams per kilo dry weight laundry for a wash cycle of 8 to 10 minutes @ 60ºC. In the case of synthetic fibres, reduce temperature by 10ºC. HEAVILY SOILED FABRICS: For this application it may be advisable to allow a short soak for 10 to 15 minutes @ 60ºC. In all cases of coloured work or synthetic fibres, reduce temperature by 10ºC. Remember that the rinse cycles are very much part of a successful end result and should never be reduced or eliminated.

  • Recommended dilution for Fabriclean Auto:

    • Light Soiling - 10g for 1L Water
    • Medium Soiling - 13g for 1L Water
    • Heavy Soiling - 25g for 1L Water
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